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“Above all, meditation is about letting the mind be as it is and knowing something about how it is in this moment. It’s not about getting somewhere else, but about allowing yourself to be where you already are.”

― Jon Kabat-Zinn


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Woman meditating at home
A Group of People Meditating on a Beach

One on One

Group Classes

Yoga meditation, woman meditating
Business People Meditating




meditate with me

From day-long silent retreats to wellness getaways, I am available to host a variety of retreats that cater to your specific needs. Whether you are looking to add a day of mindfulness to your fitness or corporate retreat or would like to cultivate a specialized getaway centered around mindfulness, I’m here to help.

If you prefer a one-on-one experience or require a more tailored approach, this option is for you. I am happy to work with you to create a personalized program that meets your unique needs, whether online, in person, or a combination of both.

I offer specialized group classes including a 10-week online class in both Introduction to Mindfulness and Mindfulness for Stress Reduction. I also offer group classes either online or in person thoughtfully tailored to your individual needs. Options include beginner’s classes, forest bathing, mindful movement, and Joy Fuel, a mindfulness class designed specifically to increase happiness, joy, and fun. If you have a studio and are interested in having me lead a class, please reach out!

Offering mindfulness meditation classes to your team can help improve workplace wellness!

Reduce stress levels, improve focus, and promote overall wellness in your office by booking me to host a meditation class or as a guest speaker.

I am happy to offer a customized approach to meet your company’s needs.

Introduction to Mindfulness

Online Group Class

April 9 - June 11

7pm-9pm EST

This transformative 10-week online Introduction to Mindfulness class begins the journey to a more balanced and mindful life. In this guided immersive experience, we prioritize the reduction of stress, the cultivation of community, the exploration of our common humanity, and learn to find and embrace our own authenticity.

By the end of this 10-week journey, you will not only have acquired practical mindfulness tools but also forged meaningful connections within a community that understands and supports your pursuit of reduced stress, shared humanity, and authentic living. Welcome to a transformative experience that goes beyond learning—it's a journey of self-discovery and connection.

In an effort to create a safe and supportive experience classes will be limited to 15 participants.

Weeks 1-2: Foundations of Mindfulness

Embark on your mindfulness journey by understanding the basics. Explore the many benefits of mindfulness and meditation, learn the 7 attitudes of mindfulness and how to apply them to your life, and experience the magic of meditation and breath awareness. Begin building a supportive community of like-minded individuals who share the goal of reducing stress and enhancing well-being.

Weeks 3-4: Stress Reduction Techniques

Delve into practical techniques designed to alleviate stress in your daily life. Learn mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) practices that empower you to navigate challenges with awareness and ease. Engage in group discussions to share experiences and insights, fostering a sense of collective support.

Weeks 5-6: Community Connection

Discover the profound impact of community in mindfulness practice. Through guided group activities and discussions, strengthen your sense of connection with others, and learn how to apply mindfulness to your work life. Uncover the shared human experience as you explore the challenges and triumphs of the mindfulness journey together.

Weekly Class Outline

Weeks 7-8: Lovingkindness and Compassion

Deepen your understanding of common humanity—the recognition that we all share in the human experience. Cultivate self-compassion and extend it to others through mindfulness exercises. Explore the interconnectedness that binds us, creating a sense of unity within the class

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10 Weeks of Fully Guided Lessons


Weeks 9-10: Authentic Living

In the final weeks, focus on living authentically through mindfulness. Embrace vulnerability, acknowledging and accepting your true self. Share personal insights with the community, fostering a supportive and non-judgmental space that encourages authenticity.


Throughout the Course

  • Engage in guided mindfulness meditations to develop a consistent practice.
  • Access a wealth of resources, including articles, videos, and additional practices to deepen your understanding.
  • Participate in weekly live Q&A sessions with the instructor for personalized guidance and support.
  • Connect with fellow participants through a dedicated online forum, fostering a sense of community beyond the virtual classroom.




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“Something is working! I didn’t have ANY anxiety yesterday! I do not remember the last time that happened!”

-Michelle, MA

One on One session

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“Bethany delivered each week’s material with a natural authority and calming demeanor. She made space for conversation to flow organically, creating an environment for vulnerable storytelling. Taking this course with Bethany changed my views on meditation.”

-Savannah, DE

Introduction to Mindfulness class

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“I always leave our meetings feeling so energized! It’s just been so magical!“

-Whitney, PA

Introduction to Mindfulness class

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“You can feel the way Bethany loves others so completely in the way she leads meditation. I am so happy that our first meeting together could be that special and significant so instantly.

-Zoe, UK

One on One session

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Hi, I’m Bethany! I’m a certified mindfulness meditation teacher. I received my teaching certification through Mindful Moment, Co, an IMMA accredited program. My education also includes training in Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction (MBSR) from Brown University and Palouse Mindfulness. I earned a certificate of completion in Science of Well-Being presented by Yale University. The most impactful education I have received however has been my daily practice of more than 5 years. My passion lies in helping others discover their own strength and self-worth. My mission is to guide others on their journey to feeling their best-body, mind, and soul. I’m so excited to be able to share my love of meditation and mindfulness. I can’t wait to meet you!

Please email me at bethanyvalentinwellness@gmail.com for more information or to request a class.